Sunday, 10 February 2013

The latest Psytronik news for February 2013


Firstly, a mahoosive apology for the lack of blog updates since March (!) 2012.  I must have fallen through a time / space / beer vortex to suddenly end up in 2013 without having put finger to keyboard to update all you awesome beings on what has been happening in the world of Psytronik Software.  Sorry about that chums & chumettes - life managed to get in the way of my retro shenanigans for a while, but fear not, there has been plenty of cool stuff happening on the Psytronik front recently, so without further agadoo, here's what's been going down in my retrotown!

No news is good news!

Well, kind of!  The first main change for the Psytronik website in 2013 is that I've decided to remove the news section from the site.  The reason for this decision is that from now on I will be featuring all the latest Psytronik news in this here blog.  This means that you will get a lot more blog updates from now on and the main site will no longer feature an oft-neglected news page.  So it's a win-win for all you lovely retro people out there (and a bit less work for little old me - *grin!*)

Psytronik C64 releases now on iPhone / iPad!

The good news for all you owners of new-fangled iPhone / iPad devices is that you can now enjoy Psytronik C64 goodliness on your shiny tech thanks to our friends at Manomio.  All you need to do is grab yourself a copy of the C64 Emulator from the App Store and you will straight away be able to play Psytronik / RGCD releases like Sub Hunter, Get 'Em Deluxe and Green / Redrunner for FREE!  A brand-new Jon Wells Psytronik bundle is also available to buy featuring FIVE full games!  The pack contains Sceptre of Baghdad, Blitz 2000, Shaolin+, Blitz 3000 and Escape from Arth (2008 Special Edition) - all for just 69p in total!  BARG!

Sceptre of Baghdad running on the iPad?  You betcha!

Three new C64 releases for February 2013!

The New Year has got off to a great start here at the Psytronik HQ as there are THREE new C64 releases available to order in the RetroStore.  First up is a C64 version of the Jon Wells compilation I mentioned above.  To tie-in with the release of the first Psytronik iPhone / iPad bundle I have also made the same games available on C64 floppy disk presented in the usual high-quality glossy Psytronik packaging that you know and love.  Jon Wells C64 Classix Vol.1 features Sceptre of Baghdad, Blitz 2000, Shaolin+, Blitz 3000 and Escape from Arth (2008 Special Edition) and is NOW AVAILABLE from the Binary Zone RetroStore!

Clicky the piccy above to order yourself some Jon Wells C64 Classix!

And that's not all!  Georg Rottensteiner & Trevor Storey (the heroes that brought you the 2012 mega-hit SOULLESS) have been busy beavering away on another great C64 game.  GUNS 'N' GHOSTS is a spooky arcade platform shooter for one or two players (it's kind of a cross between Ghosts 'n' Goblins & Bubble Bobble with a bit of Nemesis the Warlock thrown in the mix!)  With 72 screens to clear there's plenty of zombie blasting action to be had and the game features the usual excellent high-quality coding and graphics from Trev & Georg with thumping soundtracks courtesy of Richard Bayliss.  You can now Pre-order Guns 'n' Ghosts the game on C64 tape and disk from the BZ RetroStore, a digital download version will become available when the game is released in February and the C64 cartridge version is being handled by our friends over at RCGD.

If there's something strange, in your neighbourhood .. Shoot it!

And to round off our hat-trick of releases for February we have one more treat for all you C64 gamers out there.  The superbly crafted ASSEMBLOIDS  is now available from Psytronik (as an exclusive tape-only release) and RGCD on C64 cartridge!  The game is an excellent conversion of the PC flash game 'Quartet' and features polished presentation, gorgeous graphics and splendid sonics.  Head on over to the BZ Retrostore to grab the tape version or over to RGCD for the cartridge version.

Darn fine puzzling fun to be had with ASSEMBLOIDS!

That all for now, thanks for reading - see you, IN THE FUTURE!

Kenz / (24/01/2013)